2021 Forensic 4:cast Awards – Voting is now OPEN

Its that time of year once more. The nominations have been counted and the top three in each category is now available for voting. Thanks for our, again, record-breaking number of nominations this year. I’d also like to thank those that wrote in for a new category, DFIR CTF/Challenge of the Year. I heard you and added the category based on your entries and the responses on social media.

The voting will go up to the day of the awards which, as always, will be held at the SANS DFIR Summit which takes place on July 22-23 this year. The awards will be at the end of July 22.

Votes can be placed at the link below.


If you want to know why you or your team/product wasn’t nominated, please note that the awards are completely community driven and I cannot and will not interfere with the process, I only provide the platform to recognize people for their excellent work.

3 responses to “2021 Forensic 4:cast Awards – Voting is now OPEN”

  1. Is there a page here that gives some information on the person, product, website on why they should get my vote?

    • I ask for people to submit why they are nominated. I try to put some of these in a post, but just ran out of time this year.

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