Author: Lee Whitfield

  • Digital Forensic Examiner of the Year

    I’ve been asked to explain why, specifically, people chose to nominate the three forensicators below. I have posted some of the comments made by those who nominated them. Personally I’m torn. All three are fully deserving of the award this year (yes, even Cindy). Kristinn Gudjonsson “Kristinn is long overdue for some public recognition for…

  • Meet the 2012 Nominees

    Ladies and gentlemen thank-you for posting your nominations over the last few weeks. Please meet the nominees for the 2012 Forensic 4cast Awards. Voting is open. You can place your votes here: Computer Forensic Hardware Tool of the Year Tableau TD2 BlackBag Macquisition Hardcopy 3P Digital Forensic Article of the Year Digital Forensics SIFT’ing: Cheating Timelines…

  • Lantern Lite Imager

    I’m aways happy to give credit where credit is due. This week I had a dilemma. At work we have a license for Cellebrite Physical Analyzer (excellent software) but we needed to have the ability to obtain physical images of several iOS devices at several locations at once. We needed to act quickly and as…

  • SANS 408 Mentoring and Teaching Assistant

    The new job is keeping my mind and body very busy recently so first of all, let me apologize for not being very proactive with posting. Normal service will be resumed soon. Second, I’m now in the SANS mentoring program. This means that I’ll be teaching Forensics 408: Computer Forensic Investigations – Windows In-Depth on a…

  • 2012 Award Nominations

    Nominations have been open for some time now but I also understand that you may not read the site, only listen to the podcast. If this is the case, this is especially for you.

  • Forensic 4cast Awards 2012 – Nominations are Open

    Ladies and gentlemen, we are happy to announce that nominations for the 2012 Forensic 4cast Awards are now open. You can find the nominations page here: Once again, SANS has invited us back to present the awards at the 2012 Forensic Summit in Austin on June 26 and 27. This year we have streamlined things…

  • Call for Volunteers – Forensic 4cast Awards

    Dear all, It is quickly approaching the awards season. Yes the Oscars, the Grammies, the Golden Globes, and others will be held in the coming months but, most importantly, we will soon be accepting nominations for the Forensic 4cast Awards. Once again SANS has been kind enough to host the event at the Forensic Summit…

  • How F-Response Saved Christmas

    Those who know me will attest to the fact that I love F-Response but today it really came to the rescue. I’m doing an imaging job in the Dallas area. The client wants me to image four servers, three of which are business critical and can’t be out of use between 6am and 7pm. So,…

  • Episode 40 – All is not what it seems

    In this episode we are joined by data recovery and forensics specialist Gareth Davies. Gareth has published papers and given presentations on the subject of data storage manipulation. Our discussion contains items that, I believe, all forensic investigators should be aware of.

  • Leaving on a Jet Plane

    Please pardon the ‘personal’ post. There’s nothing technical here so feel free to pass if you’re not interested. No, I’m not off to another conference. This time we’re playing for keeps. Later in the month I am moving, with my family, to Texas where I’ll be taking a new position as Director of Forensics. As…