Strange Artifacts – Wubi
I don’t speak French. I learned it at school and don’t use it much but, if it was a pinch, I could probably remember enough to get by. The same goes for using linux. I know a lot of the basic commands and how to set things up so that it is usable, but I’m…
Flashpost: Google Plus Artefacts – URL Forwarding
While using Google Plus I noticed this and thought that it may be of use to some of you: Whenever you click on a link in G+ you are redirected to a URL that looks like this: You are then quickly redirected to the linked site. Obviously you can see the original link URL…
Detecting CMOS Clock Changes
During my short career in digital forensics I have seen and heard a number of defences. One that I have seen emerge a number of times is the claim that one of the parties has been ‘framed’ or ‘set-up’ by someone by changing the system clock and doing some nefarious deed before setting the clock…
Testing Acquisition Hardware Part 2
A few people liked what I wrote the other day so I’m coming back with a couple more tests that I’ve run today. I have acquired the same drive as with the software tools but this time I have done it with the Tableau TD1 and the ImageMaster Solo III. The hard drive is a…
The Risk of Rooting
If I were to say the name ‘Linus’ and your first reaction is ‘Torvalds’ then you are a monumental geek. You make me proud. If you thought ‘Peanuts’ then you’re still a geek, just not quite as serious a case. Linus, from the Peanuts comic strip, used to keep a tight grip of his security…
Lessons from Data Recovery – Part 1 (Repost)
I originally posted this entry over on the Disklabs computer forensic forum ( but also thought a lot of people would benefit from it being repeated here too. I’ve been working at Disklabs for a few weeks now. I’ve mostly been confined to the digital forensics lab but I’ve been able to poke my head…
Into The Shadows
Lee Whitfield gives insight into Microsoft Volume Shadow Copies and shows how to extract meaningful data by manually deconstructing these files.
Mac Forensics
Lee provides a brief overview of what he found interesting from his Mac forensic training.
MacBook Air Acquisition
Lee provides show how to extract the drive ready from a MacBook Air.