Category: News

  • 4cast Awards – Votes Close Tomorrow

    The Forensic 4cast Awards will take place on Thursday evening in Washington DC (have I mentioned that before?) and the voting closes tomorrow. If you have not yet taken the time to place your votes please do. Most of the voting is EXTREMELY close and one or two votes can make all the difference. You…

  • Shadow Analyser Article by The Register

    Greetings all. As you may (or may not) know Mark McKinnon, Disklabs and I are working together on a project that we call ‘Shadow Analyser’. We have put a lot of time and effort into this and hope to have it released very soon. This last week The Register published an article about our upcoming…

  • Sneak Peak at the Forensic 4cast Awards

    Want to know what the awards will look like? I have to admit, these do look pretty darn cool. I think they are very ‘Geek Chic’. Anyway, here they are. Feedback is appreciated and, if you’re in contention for an award this year – how much more do you want one now? If you’re not…

  • Forensic 4cast Awards – Open to All

    This is an important update on the Forensic 4cast Awards. SANS have announced that both the Forensic Challenge Awards and the Forensic 4Cast Awards will be open to anyone that wishes to attend. This will be the case whether or not you are a delegate for the summit. This is superb news and I’d like to…

  • Forensic 4cast Awards 2010 – Voting is Open

    The nominations have been taken and counted and now we have narrowed down the fields to just a few for voting. You will notice that the ‘Blog Article’ entry has not made the cut. This is because so many people nominated different articles that no two nominations were the same. I know this is the…

  • SANS Forensic Summit 2010 – Why you MUST attend

    First of all I know that some people will argue about my use of the word ‘must’ but I stand by it. Yes there are other conferences that you can attend but the SANS Forensic Summit will have presentations and panels with some of the most respected people in the fields or digital forensics and…

  • Forensic 4cast Awards 2010

    That’s right, its that time again. The second annual Forensic 4cast Awards will be held as part of the SANS Forensic Summit in Washington DC on Thursday July 8 2010 at 7:30pm. Whereas last year Simon and I stood in front of a camera and broadcast the event live, this time a live audience will…

  • Forensic 4cast Named One of 50 Top Criminology Blogs

    Yesterday I received an email saying that Forensic 4cast has been named as one of the top 50 criminology blogs by CriminoBlogica. In fact we didn’t just make the top 50, we made number 19! CriminoBlogica is a high-quality internet resource for people interested in criminology, forensics, and general law enforcement. Their authors write articles…

  • Forensic 4cast: The Return

    We’re coming back!

  • URL Shortening Service

    We have a new URL shortening service